Event Timeline
Below is the full timeline.

startup symposium
September 1
Registration Begins
Applications begin to be accepted. 1 presenter per company. Also, general admission registrations begins.
October 31
All Registrations End. Last chance to complete application and submit deck and video
All registrations end. This is also the last day for applicants to complete their application, submit pitch deck and video.
November 1
Deadline for submitting the Startup Questionnaire. Applicants will not be considered if not complete.
Startup Questionnaire must be submitted by this deadline otherwise, companies will not be considered.
November 9
10-12 companies are selected to present to investors.
Investor selection committee annouces the 10-12 presenting companies.
November 14
Webinars, Workshops and Panels
Full day of webinars, workshops and panels. You don’t want to miss.
November 16 @ 12:30 PM PST/ 3:30 PM EST
Main event – Startups present live to a Judging Panel
The selected startups have the opportunity to present a 10-minute pitch followed by a 8-minute Q&A.
November 18
3 startups with highest scores will be announced
3 startups with the highest scores will be announced.